Homeownership Program

Everyone deserves a decent place to live

Homebuyer Application - Waiting List

HUD Income Guidelines

*We do not currently accept Section 8 vouchers. ‍

Please give us your information, and you will be placed on a waiting list. We will contact you when we reach your name on our waiting list. The need for affordable housing is in our community now, more than ever. We currently have more than 300 people on our waiting list. It will take 2-3 years before we get to your name and can invite you to apply.

There are several things you can do to help prepare yourself for homeownership:

  • Maintain steady monthly income for a minimum of six months.
  • Run your credit report.
  • Pay off any delinquent accounts or judgements.
  • You are entitled to one free credit report every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies.
  • Request a report by visiting annualcreditreport.com.
  • Maintain fiscal responsibility.
  • Manage the number of credit cards and loans you have.
  • Always pay your bills on time.
  • Avoid taking on new debts whenever possible.
  • Continue to pay down your current debts.
  • Apply for a traditional mortgage through your bank or credit union. If you qualify for a traditional mortgage that will likely disqualify you for the Habitat program. (Exceptions may be made when you are unable to purchase a home that meets your family's needs because the loan amount is too low).

Please contact Iowa Heartland’s office if you have any questions.

Contact Form Here

StoRIES of Impact


"My future has changed in a lot of great ways. I have a 2-year-old daughter and I’m just excited for her to have a home where she can grow up in."


Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity partners with low to moderate income families and individuals to purchase a decent, affordable home. You may be eligible if:
  • You have a need for affordable housing.
  • You are willing to partner with Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity.
  • You meet our financial eligibility guidelines and demonstrate an ability to pay back a monthly mortgage payment.
Complete the Program Readiness Survey to determine if you are ready to apply for homeownership through Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity. Upon completing the Program Readiness Survey, your name may be added to the waiting list to apply for an affordable home and mortgage. (The estimated wait time could be several years).

Income Guidelines

Family Size
Income Range
$18,200 - $48,550
$20,800 - $55,500
$25,820 - $62,450
$31,200 - $69,350
$36,580 - $74,900
Black Hawk County
Family Size
Income Range
$22,050 - $58,750
$25,200 - $67,150
$28,350 - $75,550
$31,450 - $83,900
$36,580 - $90,650
Bremer County
Family Size
Income Range
$19,400 - $51,650
$22,150 - $59,000
$25,820 - $66,400
$31,200 - $73,750
$36,580 - $79,680
Buchanan County
Family Size
Income Range
$18,200 - $48,550
$20,800 - $55,500
$25,820 - $62,450
$31,200 - $69,350
$36,580 - $74,900
Butler County

StoRIES of Impact


"My future has changed in a lot of great ways. I have a 2-year-old daughter and I’m just excited for her to have a home where she can grow up in."

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Non-proselytizing policy 
Habitat for Humanity and its affiliate organizations will not proselytize. Nor will Habitat work with entities or individuals who insist on proselytizing as part of their work with Habitat. This means that Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must adhere to or convert to a particular faith or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
Copyright © 2024 – 2025 Iowa heartland habitat for humanity. All rights reserved.
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